FairRoot Sticky


The FairRoot framework is an object oriented simulation, reconstruction and data analysis framework. It includes core services for detector simulation and offline analysis of article physics data. FairRoot is the standard simulation, reconstruction and data analysis framework for the FAIR experiments at GSI Darmstadt . The framework enable the users to design and/or construct their detectors and /or analysis tasks in a simple way, it also delivers some general functionality like track visualization.

Copyright © 2014-2018 GSI Helmholtzzentrum für Schwerionenforschung GmbH. Data privacy protection | Impressum

Posted By adminUser read more

New FairRoot patch releases v18.4.5 and v18.6.3


The FairRoot patch version v18.4.5 has been released. Please find the list of the changes in GitHub.

The FairRoot patch version v18.6.3 has been released. Please find the list of the changes in GitHub.

Posted By florian read more

New FairSoft release apr21


A new FairSoft version has been released. Please find the list of the changes in GitHub..

A detailed list with all packages and versions, a list with tested systems as well as installation instructions are in the README file.

Posted By florian read more

New FairRoot release v18.4.0


The new FairRoot version v18.4.0 has been released. Please find the list of the changes in GitHub.

Posted By Mohammad read more

New FairRoot release v18.2.0


The new FairRoot version v18.2.0 has been released. Please find the list of the changes in GitHub.

Posted By florian read more

New FairSoft release jun19


A new FairSoft version has been released. Please find the list of the changes in GitHub..

A detailed list with all packages and versions, a list with tested systems as well as installation instructions are in the README file.

Posted By Mohammad read more

New FairSoft release may18


A new FairSoft version has been released. Please find the list of the changes in GitHub..

A detailed list with all packages and versions, a list with tested systems as well as installation instructions are in the README file.

Posted By florian read more

New patch release for FairRoot release v-17.10


We had to create a patch release which fixes the version numbers. Please find the list of Fixes here.

Posted By florian read more

New FairRoot release v-17.10


A new FairRoot version has been released. Please find the list of Fixes, Changes and new Features here.

Posted By Mohammad read more

New FairSoft Release oct17


A new FairSoft version has been released. Please find the list of the changes in GitHub. This release is tested on following systems:

Posted By Mohammad read more


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