Before starting with FairRoot you have to install the external packages needed, please see
1. Build Prerequisites
2. Installing the external packages
After that you go and install FairRoot
Installing FairRoot you have all the base classes you need to do simulation and reconstruction and some small examples in:
fairroot/example (if you install in the source directory).
How to implement a simple detector using the old ASCII interface to describe the geometry (see Detector Geometry and Media for more details about this geometry interface)
See also Adding new detector for a detailed description of the detector class implementation, MC point class and the CMakeLists.txt
To run this tutorial:
This will start a simulation session with Geant3 and create 10 events generated by a box generator, the input in the box generator can be chosen by the user, by default in this macro we use "pions" (see macro lines 20-22) for details.
To choose Geant4 you just have to change TGeant3 to TGeant4 in line 8 of the macro, or of you are loading the macro to root before exciting it you just give TGeant4 as second argument to the run_tutorial1 call, i.e:
root>.L run_tutorial1.C
root>run_tutorial(10, "TGeant4")
This example show you how to:
This example demonstrate
This example demonstrate:
Shows how to use FairDB interface to write and read parameter to a database system.
Two type of parameter classes are implemented with
In both cases, corresponding macro to read and write as well as a script.
To setup the database to be used ( are available from the macro directory.
simple simulation of the Rutherford experiment, with event display.
Simple example for Message based processing using FairRoot.