Experiment software

Installing AsyeosRoot

  • Install the external packages in a directory of your choice
  • set the variable SIMPATH to your external packages directory
  • At the GSI Linux cluster all External packages are already installed, set your SIMPATH variable to directory matching your system and version you need, i.e:

    (Since Sep. 12 only CVMFS is used to distribute the external packages at the GSI.)
    export SIMPATH=/cvmfs/fairroot.gsi.de/fairsoft/XXXX

    XXXX= sep12, apr13, dec13

    older versions (Not available on the GSI batch farms):
    export SIMPATH=/misc/cbmsoft/SYSTEM/VERSION/fairsoft/

    SYSTEM = Etch32, Etch64, Lenny32, Lenny64, squeeze64
    VERSION = release date, i.e: jan10, jan11, may11

  • get the asyeosroot source from svn:
    svn co https://subversion.gsi.de/fairroot/asyeosroot/trunk asyeosroot
  • go to your source directory
    > cd asyeosroot
  • Create a build directory (build in source is not allowd)
    > mkdir buildasyoes
    > cd buildasyoes
  • call cmake to create your make files or project files for Xcode. Eclipse, KDeveloper, etc.
    > cmake ../
  • in case of creating standard makefiles, call make
    > make
  • after this you can go the asyeosroot/macro/ and run the different macros there

Installing CbmRoot

Please follow the instruction at https://redmine.cbm.gsi.de/projects/cbmroot/wiki/Install_CbmRoot .

You can also visit https://redmine.cbm.gsi.de/projects/cbmroot/wiki/Guide which gives some more information.

Installing PandaRoot

PandaRoot installation guide is available on the Panda wiki pages:

Installing R3BRoot

Instructions on how to install R3BRoot framework can be found here.