
Installation of the external packages and the different branches of FairRoot

Build Prerequisites

Before installing FairRoot many other packages are necessary. Some of them can be installed using the package manager of the used Linux distribution, but many others have to be installed from sources. This is necessary because many of these programs can't be installed using the package manager or FairSoft need the programs compiled with special settings.

To make the installation procedure as easy as possible we provide an additional package called FairSoft (sometimes also called "external packages") which takes care of the installation of all needed programs in the right order and with the right compilation flags. In the end all additional software is installed in one directory.

The FairSoft package contains a configuration scripts which checks if all the needed system packages are installed. If some of the system packages are missing the configuration script will stop with a detailed error message. The complete list of needed system packages can be found in the DEPENDENCIES file. This file contain also complete command lines to install the needed packages on the most common Linux systems.

The main prerequisite for the FairSoft installation on Linux or Mac OSX systems is CMake which has either to be installed using the package manager or from the sources which can be downloaded from here.

The instructions how to install FairSoft can be found here.

Build Prerequisites on Mac OS X

The easiest way to come to a running environment on Mac OSX is to follow the instructions given here. For all of the following command you need a Terminal. If you don't know where to find it, you can use Spotlight. Simply type "Terminal" in the Spotlight search window and click on the Terminal application. This will open the Terminal application.

  • Install Xcode from App Store
  • Get the system compiler and most of the development tools by installing Apple's command line tools. Please type in the Terminal session the following command.
    • sudo xcode-select --install

Depending on the version of Apple OS X system, one needs additional packages defined below.

Mac OS X 10.8 and earlier

Mac OS X 10.9 (Mavericks) and 10.10 (Yosemite) * XQuartz version 2.7.5 and later * gfortran version 4.9 only

Mac OS X 10.11 (El Capitan) and newer

In El Capitan other packages are needed. The easiest way is to install them with brew:

ruby -e "$(curl -fsSL"


brew install Caskroom/cask/xquartz
 brew install gcc cmake autoconf automake libtool openssl pkg-config



 export OPENSSL_ROOT_DIR=`brew --prefix openssl`


ln -s /usr/local/opt/openssl/include/openssl /usr/include

El Capitan OS includes a System Integrity protection that prevents users to write in the /usr folder. If you have problems with this feature to install the packages, disable it rebooting the computer pressind CMD+R and open a terminal to type:

csrutil disable

If your need to switch this of in a virtual machine please follow the instructions at

Then, reboot computer.

When you successfully reached this point you have all needed prerequisites to be able to install FairSoft.

Installing the external packages

To install FairSoft on your computer make sure that the following prerequisites are fulfilled on your system. It is no problem if you miss some package since the installation script will check for the existence of the needed packages and prints an error message if not all packages are detected. If you are unsure about the package names on your Linux system check the DEPENDENCIES file. There you will find a list of the dependencies which are needed to be able to compile FairSoft. In this file you can also find complete comand lines for different Linux distributions which will instruct the package manager to install all needed software packages.

After downloading FairSoft from our github repository (see bellow) call the "./" script in the downloaded directory and folow the instructions on the screen. A detailed description and a complete list of contained software packages can be found in the file (either in the source directory or here)
The new version of the configure script needs CMake as prerequisite. This package should be installed using the package manager of the used Linux distribution. If this is not possible the source code can be downloaded from here and installed using the instructions given on the web page. The configure script will then check if all other prerequisites are installed on the system.

Installing FairRoot

  • Install the external packages in a directory of your choice
  • set the variable SIMPATH to your external packages directory
  • Get FairRoot source code from GitHub
    > git clone
  • Create a build directory (build in source is not allowd)
    > mkdir build
    > cd build
  • Call cmake to create your make files or project files for Xcode. Eclipse, KDeveloper, etc.
    >cmake -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX="Specify an installation directory" "Path to FairRoot source"
  • In case of creating standard makefiles, call make
    > make (make install)
  • FairRoot is now compiled and installed you can go to the example directory and run the tutorials

Experiment software

Installing AsyeosRoot

  • Install the external packages in a directory of your choice
  • set the variable SIMPATH to your external packages directory
  • At the GSI Linux cluster all External packages are already installed, set your SIMPATH variable to directory matching your system and version you need, i.e:

    (Since Sep. 12 only CVMFS is used to distribute the external packages at the GSI.)
    export SIMPATH=/cvmfs/

    XXXX= sep12, apr13, dec13

    older versions (Not available on the GSI batch farms):
    export SIMPATH=/misc/cbmsoft/SYSTEM/VERSION/fairsoft/

    SYSTEM = Etch32, Etch64, Lenny32, Lenny64, squeeze64
    VERSION = release date, i.e: jan10, jan11, may11

  • get the asyeosroot source from svn:
    svn co asyeosroot
  • go to your source directory
    > cd asyeosroot
  • Create a build directory (build in source is not allowd)
    > mkdir buildasyoes
    > cd buildasyoes
  • call cmake to create your make files or project files for Xcode. Eclipse, KDeveloper, etc.
    > cmake ../
  • in case of creating standard makefiles, call make
    > make
  • after this you can go the asyeosroot/macro/ and run the different macros there

Installing CbmRoot

Please follow the instruction at .

You can also visit which gives some more information.

Installing PandaRoot

PandaRoot installation guide is available on the Panda wiki pages:

Installing R3BRoot

Instructions on how to install R3BRoot framework can be found here.